Children's fear of the dentist
Some children have a huge fear of the dentist! In some cases, it’s the parents’ and grandparents’ bad experiences - in another era - that fuel these fears.
Some children have a huge fear of the dentist! In some cases, it’s the parents’ and grandparents’ bad experiences - in another era - that fuel these fears.
Oh no! Your child has come home from school with a wart! How did he catch it, how can you prevent contagion and what can you do to get rid of it?
Sometimes, an event is awful enough to be on everyone’s mind and lips. How can we make sure that it does not upset our children?
Christmas is just around the corner and with so many options, we decided to help you buy a gift that will amuse your child and develop his speaking skills.
After a musculoskeletal injury, many people remain fragile and tend to get hurt again. Here are a few tips to avoid further injuries.
You little bundle of energy is only one year old? Still, you would like him to exploit his liveliness in sports? It’s a matter of interest and example.
Sexuality plays a profound role in the formation of individual identity, social bonds, and our most intimate relationships.
Your groggy teenager whines and drags his feet more than usual. He complains about a sore throat. You suspected mononucleosis and the doctor just confirmed that you were right.
As the year 2012 is ending, it could be helpful to overlook our year, to summarize and write a list of good intentions for the holidays and the coming year.
The nuchal translucency (NT) test doesn’t pose any risk to the mother or the fetus as it is an ultrasound. It determines the risk of genetic abnormalities, including Down syndrome.
Sleeping in two different bedrooms when you’re a couple? Is that a sign that the relationship is doomed and that we are headed south? What if it was a way to reinvent ourselves?
Contrary to previously held beliefs, pregnancy does not protect women against mood and anxiety disorders. Yet treating these disorders in pregnant women poses a particular challenge to doctors.