Divvying up household chores
Cleaning, washing, scrubbing, changing diapers, washing dishes, cooking… so many things to do, so little time. How can we split tasks evenly?
Cleaning, washing, scrubbing, changing diapers, washing dishes, cooking… so many things to do, so little time. How can we split tasks evenly?
Infidelity has hurt many people from Louis XVI to Uma Thurman. Surprise, treason, pain, lies and fear… An overview on infidelity, this very complicated subject.
With so much going on, how does pregnancy affect the sexuality of women?
Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the happiest times in yours and your partner’s life. Here’s how to keep it that way when your sex drive takes a hit.
A love story just came to an abrupt end and it is painfully hard to heal. You swear that you will never get caught again. What if, on the contrary, you should believe in loving again?
Valentine's Day is an opportunity to highlight the importance of intimacy, affection, feelings, laughter, and complicity. Take advantage of this opportunity to get some hugs and kisses!
Do you want easy ideas to get closer to your partner and stimulate your sexual appetite? Here are 12 ideas to inspire you...
Usually, we rely on our period to determine whether we are pregnant or not. But is it possible to be pregnant and still get your period? Keep reading to find out!
A decreased sex drive can strike anyone at any time, but standing around and waiting for it to come back isn’t the solution. Here are some natural methods that can help revive your libido.
Instead of raging about men’s differences and nagging them about their ways of being and doing - often opposed to ours - why not find inspiration in their qualities?
Yes, you are parents but do you really have to sacrifice your couple because of that? Do you think you neglect your couple?
Yeast infections are very common and affect 75% of American women of childbearing age. 40-50% of these women have recurrent episodes, while 5-8% have chronic1 infections.