Bedwetting and chromopuncture
Is your child tired of peeing in bed? What if a colourful light could solve his problem for good?
Is your child tired of peeing in bed? What if a colourful light could solve his problem for good?
Each year in Quebec, around 1,250 car passengers aged 9 years or under, die or are injured in car accidents1.
Whether you feel one or many symptoms, you are probably part of the 85% of women who suffer from the premenstrual syndrome.
Over the past few decades, several studies have shown that the way children are cared for as infants and toddlers influences the person they will become.
The main concern for parents who don’t use washable diapers is maintenance. And yet, the maintenance of washable diapers is often not very demanding.
Most pregnant women know the basics of a healthy lifestyle, but do they know what to do precisely and is it easy for them to do it?
It is through an exclusive article that Dr. Nathalie Fiset shares some recommendations about the Streptococcus B virus.
We keep hearing that an increasing number of parents refuse vaccination for their children. Have they lost faith in medicine or are they overly confident?
The Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Pocket Guide contains advice and tips on conditions that are commonly experienced in pregnancy and other common conditions. Here is a summary.
Some medications can be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding but others should be avoided. Let’s take a look at the guidelines.
As parents, we often look for fresh solutions to solve daily problems. I suggest a powerful and fun exercise: family landscaping.
Our ancestors used plants to promote their health. Here are four plants to rediscover and to use for their well-known benefits!