Afraid of the dark
It’s normal and very common for young children to be afraid of the dark, and it usually starts between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.
It’s normal and very common for young children to be afraid of the dark, and it usually starts between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.
She gnaws at her nails while her play buddy cracks his fingers. Why are some children likely to develop nervous symptoms?
Small ailments are common among children and it is sometimes difficult for parents to separate the real physical pain from the little imaginary pain.
She argues, he dramatizes, they are never satisfied, they are always late… How should parents deal with these small and big flaws that drive them mad?
If “no” is necessary for children and teenagers, it remains a word to be used in moderation because it can bring on a feeling of helplessness in children. What if you told them yes instead?
The many fears of children should not worry parents except if they become phobias. Where is the line between the two and how do we cross it?
Although this period is called the « assertion stage », it’s by saying « NO » most of the time that children will experience it! A period that is not always easy to live!
What’s that sound? How can you calm your children when they’re scared of loud noises? Explore what is triggering their fear and find out how you can be a calming presence.
Is it really possible to love one child more than the other? This fear goes through many parents’ minds. Yet it is true that we do not love all our children the same way, without necessarily preferring one to another.
Most children will experience at least one « love story » before reaching puberty. What about your child? Have they already had a first love?
Love is many things and you will know what it is when you see it. Is that a good explanation? No? Let’s try harder...
Should we let our kids believe in Santa Claus and the whole holiday magic? Absolutely, and psychoeducator Solène Bourque tells us why.
Did you know that an adult repeats a request to his child three to five times on average? And you? How many times do you repeat? Too many, I suppose.
Are excessive noises starting to spook your little ones? Explore what’s triggering their fear and find out how you can be a calming presence.
How can you help your children deal effectively with stressful situations? Here is what I consider to be helpful tools.
You raised your child well by teaching them politeness and respect... or so you thought. Have you noticed a change in behavior in your child? Are you starting to worry? Read up on this completely normal phase that all children go through.
Should we tell fictitious stories to our kids? Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the baby-delivering Stork, the Tooth Fairy?
With their little eyes full of tears, your son or daughter swears that they will never fall in love again. A child’s first heartbreak is devastating. Can we pick up the pieces of their broken hearts?
Is your child stressed out and anxious before an exam or sports competition? Could they be experiencing too much performance stress?
Your child is no longer a baby, but isn’t quite a teenager either. How do you explain his or her sudden onset of logic and rationality?
Are Teflon kids still around? Why don’t we hear about these children who were mentioned everywhere a few years ago? Do Teflon kids still exist?