A teenager’s bedroom
Your teenager's bedroom is a disaster. You even invented new words to describe this horrendous place where food and clothes seem to blend into a new kind of carpet but your child doesn't seem to mind. What can you do?
Find information on today’s family: daily, family finances, important events of the years, health and separations. Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
Your teenager's bedroom is a disaster. You even invented new words to describe this horrendous place where food and clothes seem to blend into a new kind of carpet but your child doesn't seem to mind. What can you do?
We often wake up in the morning feeling tired from the previous day and stressed out at the idea of having to face another one. Although we always seem to get through it, we still wish for things to change!
Are you constantly overwhelmed? Are your days and your weeks never long enough? The trick is to plan ahead.
Are you always concerned about the well-being of your baby? All moms want to protect their child from danger, but how do you know if you’ve crossed the line into overprotective?
Cleaning, washing, scrubbing, changing diapers, washing dishes, cooking… so many things to do, so little time. How can we split tasks evenly?
Being grandparents is apparently the best job there is. But who are these “modern” grandparents and what role can they play in our lives and those of our children?
Rest assured: it is possible to have a great family Christmas without spending all your savings. The Holidays are a good opportunity to start using wise tricks to spend less!
Do you feel like you’re running around like a crazy woman and still can’t get to Christmas in time, like everyone else? Professional organizer Caroline Rochon shares her best tips to plan Christmas!
For many couples, talking about finances makes them uneasy and often creates conflicts. However, it is important to sit down and have a conversation about it before you have children!
It’s inevitable. Our little babies, all end up growing up eventually! We know, but it doesn’t prevent us from getting a little surprised whenever they do something new!
Just because drugs are sold over-the-counter doesn’t mean that they are harmless. Here’s a little guide to help you heal your child safely this flu season.
Discipline is a hot topic for many parents! What’s the right way to go about it? Should they be more or less strict? Should they give their children more or less chances?
Summertime is here... The sun stays up longer, we work a bit less and we enjoy prolonged weekends... Hurray for the holidays! Here are a few suggestions of activities for the whole family.
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!