The epidural
Invasive injection that increases the medicalization of childbirth or God-sent relief when giving birth becomes torture? Let’s take a look at the epidural.
Invasive injection that increases the medicalization of childbirth or God-sent relief when giving birth becomes torture? Let’s take a look at the epidural.
Since the beginning of your pregnancy, you have been fearfully and impatiently waiting for your labor to come.
Your belly is getting really big! You are almost 40 weeks pregnant and you are really scared! Motherforlife.com shares secrets on how to be Zen on D-day.
It can do more harm than good… harm that could be fatal when the person performing the surgery is not competent.
You notice an ungracious line, then another, then another. Stretch marks are there. Of course it isn’t the end of the world… but it slightly undermined your self-confidence.
Late pregnancies are at greater risk than others but in general, if women follow the recommendations of their doctor, they experience normal pregnancies.
To protect vulnerable people and reduce the costs of health care, the Government of Ontario added three vaccines to the immunization program funded by the public sector.
Children affected with dyspraxia generally look very normal and seem to function normally. Nonetheless, they are often unable to be entirely autonomous. Let’s take a better look at dyspraxia.
There are over a thousand childcare services in Quebec, 80% of which are childcare centers (CPE) and home childcare services. If most of them offer traditional services, some stand out by their unique clientele.
Fever in itself is not a disease. It is a symptom resulting from a disease, most often from an infection such as the flu or another childhood disease.
Big scratches? Little accident? Fever? Suspicious spots? Sure, your child is not well but should you go to the emergency room? Motherforlife helps you decide whether or not you should go.
Newborns who have been exposed to tobacco during pregnancy generally weigh less, are smaller in height, and have smaller heads and brains. Something to seriously think about.