It is a fact of modern motherhood that so much of our daily life is infused with feelings of guilt. A word that has such negative connotation, guilt can be negative and manipulative, and even paralyzing if you allow it to dictate your daily decisions.
Did you know that cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death in Canada and the first cause of death for women? Here are some little things you can do daily to keep your heart healthy and strong!
October is breast cancer prevention month, but prevention should be year-round! One out of nine Canadian women can suffer from breast cancer some time during her life. Did you know that you could prevent this disease by adopting a healthier lifestyle?
Bad breath, or halitosis, is a touchy subject, especially when you discuss it with someone who suffers from it. It affects nearly 65% of the population.
The lack of light affects us all at different levels, some of us more than others. Is this autumn featuring low energy and bad mood? You can do something about it.
As strange as it may seem, fatigue has become the new affliction of our techno age. For a very long time we believed that automation and innovations would make our lives a piece of cake. We were wrong!
No one should take their vision for granted, but women need to be especially careful when it comes to eye health. Blindness and other conditions which cause visual impairment take a much more serious toll on women than men.