Dairy products
Milk is an important part of the development of our children! Here is everything you need to know about the introduction of dairy products and the quantities recommended by age!
Find information on babies under 3 years old: breastfeeding, diet, development, health, games, etc. Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
Milk is an important part of the development of our children! Here is everything you need to know about the introduction of dairy products and the quantities recommended by age!
For parents of newborns, the increased and often inconsolable crying of their infants during the first few months of life can be a frustrating and stressful experience.
From an early age, children can do little chores and simple tasks. All that is needed is a little encouragement and understanding of their capabilities.
When your baby is screaming their lungs out, you don’t always know what to do. Is it pain, fatigue, discomfort, colics? Here are few tips to help you understand.
While most Quebec families still opt for disposable diapers for their convenience, more and more of them are thinking about switching to washable diapers. Maybe during this pandemic, you've run out of disposable diapers and have no other choice but to switch to washable diapers.
Fish is another ingredient that should be introduced in the diet of a toddler. And the more you serve it, the more your child will like it!
Are you giving birth soon? Do you want to make sure you and your home are ready for the arrival of your baby? Here is a list of essentials to assist you in your daily routine with your new baby.
Special pacifier plays songs recorded by babies’ parents to help newborns develop skills for feeding and grow stronger.
New evidence suggests that crying is indeed what triggers some parents to shake their babies. Equipping them with coping strategies may help reduce the incidence of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
If you’re about to have a baby or just want more information on the subject, it’s a great time to explore the facts about this natural and sensible way of nourishing your baby.
Toy makers must make sure that they produce safe toys that meet the safety standards set by Health Canada. Sometimes unsafe toys do make their way onto store shelves and into homes. Here's how to pick the right toy!
Wondering how you can supervise your children more effectively without increasingly threatening and punishing? Read these tips from Nancy Doyon.
We rediscover Christmas through the eyes of children : meeting Santa Claus, writing him a letter, seeing all the colorful parades, the movies we love to watch in anticipation of the big night…