Setting a routine for your baby
When you come home with a baby for the first time, you don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips to help you take care of everything, including yourself.
Find information on babies under 3 years old: breastfeeding, diet, development, health, games, etc. Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
When you come home with a baby for the first time, you don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips to help you take care of everything, including yourself.
Are you wondering what you should buy to bathe your baby comfortably? Here is a list of all the things you’ll need for bath time!
As a parent, you are proud of your child’s accomplishments, as if their overall success reflects your aptitudes as a parent.
Have you been noticing your child trip over their words? They seem to be getting stuck... why? How can we help? The causes of stuttering remain obscure but even though there is no cure, it can be controlled.
A study by the Montreal-Center Public Health Department and Université de Montréal shows that 42% of children who enter kindergarten have cavities on their temporary baby teeth.
It is with lots of impatience that we wait for the very first real smile from our baby… the smile that establishes a beautiful connection between us!
It’s time! Your little treasure needs to receive their first vaccines to protect against some serious diseases. Although vaccination is not mandatory, it is highly recommended.
They start off by eating everything with their little hands. But eventually, they will be able to manipulate utensils like a big kid! Here are some pointers on the proper timing to start introducing forks and spoons.
Do you ever wonder what your baby is trying to tell you in between cries and giggles? This is a letter from your baby... we hope it clears things up for you!
It is possible to happily breastfeed if you follow a few basic tips. Here are 12 helpful ones!
What a good idea to visit a museum with the kids! It’s an excellent way to show them the world of art, to sharpen their observation skills and to stimulate their curiosity. Are you ready? Let’s go!
It's a fact: children aged 2 do what they want when they want, as they completely disregard what they are told. There are many things your child won't want to do - you will just have to be patient! Here are a few things that will test your patience during your child's terrible 2s.
We rediscover Christmas through the eyes of children : meeting Santa Claus, writing him a letter, seeing all the colorful parades, the movies we love to watch in anticipation of the big night…