10 tips to make potty training a success
Owning a potty seat isn’t always enough for a child to deliberately throw their diaper away. Here are ten tips for a smooth transition.
Find information on babies under 3 years old: breastfeeding, diet, development, health, games, etc. Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
Owning a potty seat isn’t always enough for a child to deliberately throw their diaper away. Here are ten tips for a smooth transition.
Heat strokes occur more often in babies and elderlies. Because it can be life-threatening, it must be treated quickly.
Most babies spit up a certain amount of their milk after they have been fed but when it becomes too much, it is normal to worry about their growth and health.
With the increasing prevalence of obesity worldwide, many foods with a high sugar and fat content are being pointed at. But do we really need to ban certain food products for toddlers?
Although perfectly normal and very common, our children’s tantrums make us feel baffled and helpless. How can we react to a demonstration of anger of this magnitude?
When it comes to learning, children are little sponges! They absorb absolutely everything we teach them, so it's the ideal time to initiate them to reading and writing.
While most children adapt well to their childcare, others react strongly and live each day as an ordeal. Here are some tips.
Many parents wonder about the relevance of taking a nap at daycare. Here is some information that should convince you of its merits.
You’ve been breastfeeding and it’s been going well. Overnight, your baby refuses to nurse. You think they might be weaning, but what if it’s just a nursing strike?
Children aged 1 to 4 years old represent the highest mortality rate by drowning in Canada. Furthermore, for each drowning, almost 5 cases require hospitalization for near drowning.
In the field of paediatrics, the term “flat head syndrome” is used to define an asymmetry of the newborn’s skull. That’s what we call plagiocephaly.
Your child, the little fish, oozes out of the water with a throbbing pain in their ear. They probably developed swimmer’s ear and it should be treated immediately. It could also be prevented!
We rediscover Christmas through the eyes of children : meeting Santa Claus, writing him a letter, seeing all the colorful parades, the movies we love to watch in anticipation of the big night…