Tummy time play
The arrival of a newborn comes with many questions. One that comes back often is whether or not we should put our baby on their belly.
The arrival of a newborn comes with many questions. One that comes back often is whether or not we should put our baby on their belly.
Did you know that infants who are exposed to a variety of languages can tell the difference between their mother tongue and other languages?
Before they learn to talk, your baby will emit several sounds that they will practice over and over, concentrating on the ones used in the language spoken at home.
As soon as baby arrives, we start changing the way we talk. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Special pacifier plays songs recorded by babies’ parents to help newborns develop skills for feeding and grow stronger.
All your tickle-tickle and comic antics will soon pay off and develop your child's sense of humor. After all, laughter is the best medicine!
Worried your baby is losing weight too soon after birth? Before you start worrying about him or her drinking too little or being sick, here are some facts about newborns’ weights.
As a parent, you are proud of your child’s accomplishments, as if their overall success reflects your aptitudes as a parent.
It is with lots of impatience that we wait for the very first real smile from our baby… the smile that establishes a beautiful connection between us!
Parents are always eager to see their child walk for the first time but until then, their baby will develop other interesting strategies to move. Here are five of them!
The need to suckle is instinctive! Even in the mother’s belly, the baby will bring their hand or fingers to their mouth. Once born, the baby will look for that same familiar comfort, either in a pacifier or their trusty thumb!
Most babies have similar growth rates, but with the use of a growth chart, your pediatrician can track your child’s development more accurately.
Your baby is born ready to learn language! His brain has special structures that enable him to learn about sounds, words and sentences when you speak to him.
Over the past few decades, several studies have shown that the way children are cared for as infants and toddlers influences the person they will become.
My baby is small, he doesn’t eat yet, he doesn’t talk as much as the others, he has no teeth… Several mothers worry but should they?
Wondering if your child is right or left-handed? The books are formal; a child does not acquire his lateralization before the age of 4 to 5 years old.
Here's how parents can encourage the development of their child’s language, make them want to communicate, and promote dialogue.
Soon after birth, the newborn experiments his sexuality! It is already present in utero and it keeps developing the whole life through, even though it is expressed differently according to your age.
Cries and shrieks are the first signs that your baby wants to communicate. Newborns quickly understand that the sounds they make will cause a reaction from the people around them.