To truly love your children, you must truly love yourself
In this short article, I suggest taking a moment to reflect and meditate on who you are as a parent and as a person… loved, lovable and loving.
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In this short article, I suggest taking a moment to reflect and meditate on who you are as a parent and as a person… loved, lovable and loving.
You just heard the best news! Your best friend, your sister, or a cousin is pregnant! The bump is barely there but you already love her baby with all your heart. Now its time to give them the best baby shower ever.
A homework routine, a clearly identified study corner, optimal organization, greater autonomy of the child and regular encouragement are the keys to a successful homework time!
Spring break is a rallying point for all ages! It’s the perfect opportunity to organize activities and getaways with family or friends.
Christmas parties are coming and you might be beginning to worry about your teenager who feels misplaced in family reunions. Should you insist or not?
A whole month of 2023 has passed… Do you even remember your resolution? New Year’s resolutions rarely make it through the year.
On January 1st of every year, most of us make resolutions. We want to start over, lose bad habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Here are some of the most common resolutions we've heard of!
"No honey, mommy is busy"… after a while, this answer can hurt your children who would only like to spend time with you. See why and how you could say "Yes" more often.
Winter is boring when we don’t make it our friend. Placing winter in a different light could make it much better.
Your new partner is now boyfriend or girlfriend material. Now that this is out of the way, how will you slowly incorporate them into your child's life?
Good manners have changed a lot over the years but some attentions never go out of style. To raise a polite and well-liked child, here are ten must-have manners.
Should we let our kids believe in Santa Claus and the whole holiday magic? Absolutely, and psychoeducator Solène Bourque tells us why.
Summertime is here... The sun stays up longer, we work a bit less and we enjoy prolonged weekends... Hurray for the holidays! Here are a few suggestions of activities for the whole family.
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!