8 Tips to simplify your life
We often wake up in the morning feeling tired from the previous day and stressed out at the idea of having to face another one. Although we always seem to get through it, we still wish for things to change!
We often wake up in the morning feeling tired from the previous day and stressed out at the idea of having to face another one. Although we always seem to get through it, we still wish for things to change!
Are you constantly overwhelmed? Are your days and your weeks never long enough? The trick is to plan ahead.
Let us start by saying that the routine we’re referring to here is synonymous to stability. All forms of stability provide a feeling of security to children of all ages.
Beyond the usual qualities you are looking for in a nanny, summer sitters must have specific skills to ensure that your child will securely enjoy summer activities.
We only make resolutions on New Year but we could do so all year! Resolutions are just projects and goals that we set to reach an ideal. Summer resolutions… why not?
Your single friends love telling you how poorly managed your schedule is. Do you have that many things to do?
The bond between a pet and a child is very special, but beyond its many benefits, it’s crucial to create a safe environment.
With Spring around the corner, many of us are thinking of the big “Spring Cleaning.” So, while you’re taking everything out of cupboards to dust and clean, why not take the opportunity to get rid of the unnecessary clutter?
A homework routine, a clearly identified study corner, optimal organization, greater autonomy of the child and regular encouragement are the keys to a successful homework time!
A whole month of 2023 has passed… Do you even remember your resolution? New Year’s resolutions rarely make it through the year.
"No honey, mommy is busy"… after a while, this answer can hurt your children who would only like to spend time with you. See why and how you could say "Yes" more often.
Cold, hot, hot, cold, hot ... between two seasons, mercury plays yoyo with the weater and our patience! You never know how to dress your children: it's a real headache! So here are our clever tips to be better prepared.
We must learn to let go and realize that sometimes, we are about to suffer from fatigue and even depression. Moms and moms to be, you must react!
It’s never too late to reduce your weekly ecological footprint! Here are 10 basic actions to gradually introduce into your routine to become a more ecological family.
It’s time to leave your child with a new babysitter - but what is a fair rate these days?
You don’t have to run and rush everyone in the morning! With a little bit of planning, you could have happier and stress-free mornings.
Becoming parents is 50% magic, 50% organization. Here are 10 tools to help you enjoy the magic part.
Finding a good babysitter… We don’t want to leave our children in anybody’s care, especially when this person is a minor we don’t know.
At 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014, we’ll return to Standard Time, which means one more hour of sleep and a possible disruption of our sleeping patterns.
Nearly 38 % of Quebec couples have chosen common law union. But are the common law spouses benefitting from the same rights as married couples? It’s important to protect yourself!
Do you have a favorite mom blogger? More and more mothers start their own blog to share their experiences as a mom. Here are 10 mom bloggers to discover!