A few tips for a successful routine
Let us start by saying that the routine we’re referring to here is synonymous to stability. All forms of stability provide a feeling of security to children of all ages.
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Let us start by saying that the routine we’re referring to here is synonymous to stability. All forms of stability provide a feeling of security to children of all ages.
It is possible to make the school years less stressful for both children and parents. You only have to set up a new routine at home.
Vacation time is just about over and with September and back-to-school time, the routine is back in our daily family-work activities. Are you ready? Do you need tips?
It’s vacation time! Yeah! Since vacations don’t last forever, here are creative ways to keep your memories alive. Another great family activity!
Are you expecting another hot week? You don’t know how to beat the heat anymore? Here are 15 ideas to cool your body and mind.
Beyond the usual qualities you are looking for in a nanny, summer sitters must have specific skills to ensure that your child will securely enjoy summer activities.
Here are some ideas and suggestions that will bring you to the unforgettable and your children will love! We offer you 15 fun summer outings for the whole family!
The growing number of young people suffering from burnout, performance anxiety and depression is causing concern. Hyper-education has been at the heart of hot topics for some years now.
Family travel requires much more organization, but when you are well prepared, travelling with children can be an amazing adventure filled with beautiful memories!
We only make resolutions on New Year but we could do so all year! Resolutions are just projects and goals that we set to reach an ideal. Summer resolutions… why not?
A great way to forge your kids’ character is to get them to help you with chores around the house. Here are some outdoor chores ideas they will love to help you with!
Prom is around the corner for those graduating high school. Are you stressed? Sandra Paré gives us a few tips so everything runs smoothly.
Summertime is here... The sun stays up longer, we work a bit less and we enjoy prolonged weekends... Hurray for the holidays! Here are a few suggestions of activities for the whole family.
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!