10 organisational tools for families
Becoming parents is 50% magic, 50% organization. Here are 10 tools to help you enjoy the magic part.
Find information on today’s family: daily, family finances, important events of the years, health and separations. Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
Becoming parents is 50% magic, 50% organization. Here are 10 tools to help you enjoy the magic part.
Should everyone experience parenthood in the exact same way? Are men and women different in the way they experience it? Absolutely!
You have an hour in front of you with nothing to do? Sometimes, we get so caught up in what we have to do, that we forget what to do when we have nothing to do! Here are some ideas!
Being fired is a tough part of your professional life. And no one is safe. Here is a little guide to deal with the transition.
Shared custody is an increasingly popular arrangement for separating families. It has the advantage of allowing the child to benefit from maximum contact with their parents, in their interest.
Being a parent during this pandemic is not easy. You are all living different situations and you all have your own challenges and fears. But you also all have something in common: you are your children’s heroes!
Despite all the joy, happiness and exaltation related to their first baby, new parents will have to adapt very fast to many changes.
Just like punishments, rewards are given to control children. The difference only lies in the fact that one is more positive than the other. We want the child to continue behaving well so we buy it in some way.
In popular culture, we call them “tiger parents”: they are very strict and want to control everything. Their child needs to perform. Keep reading to find out why parents act like this and what the consequences of this type of parenting are.
From the first day of school, our children’s friends have an important role in their lives. Here is a little guide to help you find out how to manage the friends, the visits, and the day trips.
Voilà! Love is back in your life for the first time after your separation with your children’s father. Now you must introduce HIM. Here is a little guide to help things run smoothly (as much as possible!)
A good mother is sympathetic, gentle and always patient. She never gets angry, always has time for her children and sacrifices her own happiness for her family’s benefit... Really?
Summertime is here... The sun stays up longer, we work a bit less and we enjoy prolonged weekends... Hurray for the holidays! Here are a few suggestions of activities for the whole family.
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!