The perfect diet for active pregnant women
Here are a few tips to help pregnant women choose better foods to perform and have enough energy during exercise.
Here are a few tips to help pregnant women choose better foods to perform and have enough energy during exercise.
You’ve decided to make your own baby purees? Here’s everything you need to make delicious and healthy baby purees made with love for your baby.
Being overweight has become a major health problem. The benefits of maintaining a healthy weight are enormous and well worth the effort.
Should we worry about our children’s weight? Is there a reason why they don’t grow up big and strong following the same pattern? A word can help us understand and accept: diversity.
Preparing a lunch, day after day, can become a bit of a chore when you don’t have the right tools. Here are 12 tips to be ready at all times!
When you introduce your baby to solid foods, he will discover a new world of tastes and textures. And the good news is: when your baby is growing up, it is possible to combine food discovery and healthy eating.
This recipe created by Nathalie Regimbal, RD, is a delicious way to include fibres in your meals this holiday season.
Did you know that women who lack essential nutrients at the start of pregnancy put their own health at risk and perpetuate a cycle of poor mother-child nutrition? Healthy eating is crucial.
More and more researches confirm the importance of omegas in the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women. Did you know?
Obesity in children is a growing global issue. The problem has become so alarming that several international organizations are seriously studying it to find a solution.
This recipe was taken from the illustrated cookbook for children called Mandoline – Développe tes défenses naturelles!
School is starting soon and already you’re wondering how you will handle all those lunches and prepare something new every day so your kids can enjoy varied healthy lunches?