5 signs your child could suffer from vision problems
Did you know that most children who have vision problems don’t even realize it?
Did you know that most children who have vision problems don’t even realize it?
With the family reunions fast approaching, should we force our children to hug an old uncle, talk with an annoying cousin or repeat polite phrases over and over? Here’s an opportunity to assess it all!
Worried your baby is losing weight too soon after birth? Before you start worrying about him or her drinking too little or being sick, here are some facts about newborns’ weights.
Tired of not being able to get a full night’s sleep? Your back hurts and your baby is waking you by kicking up a storm? Welcome to the clubs of pregnant insomniacs!
Have conflicting pieces of advice about your child’s sleeping habits left you confused about what to believe? Here are a few common myths regarding sleep that are just plain false.
These little sayings seem harmless but they can leave negative traces and give your child a false sense of guilt. Here is a quick autopsy of the parental language.
Heat strokes occur more often in babies and elderlies. Because it can be life-threatening, it must be treated quickly.
Most babies spit up a certain amount of their milk after they have been fed but when it becomes too much, it is normal to worry about their growth and health.
Once the decision to have a baby has been taken, you hope that the process of trying to conceive will not last for ages. If you are lucky, you will soon know the joy of bearing a child.
Although perfectly normal and very common, our children’s tantrums make us feel baffled and helpless. How can we react to a demonstration of anger of this magnitude?
Yeast infections are very common and affect 75% of American women of childbearing age. 40-50% of these women have recurrent episodes, while 5-8% have chronic1 infections.
Pregnancy is a period of very important postural changes in women. Indeed, their spine is subject to a lot of physical stress that modifies the body’s normal biomechanics.