Summer pregnancy
Being pregnant can be both wonderful and stressful all year round but pregnant women should be more careful in the summer.
Being pregnant can be both wonderful and stressful all year round but pregnant women should be more careful in the summer.
A pregnant woman’s belly attracts a lot of curiosity. While it’s sometimes fun to be the center of attention, when people start touching your belly and it makes you uncomfortable, a line needs to be drawn.
Being pregnant changes every inch of us and some changes cause discomforts that cannot be solved with our usual routine. Here are the best tips to pamper a mother-to-be.
You were probably nervous in the minutes that preceded the result of your pregnancy test so you can imagine the stress that surrounds prenatal screening tests or amniocentesis!
It was previously believed that musculoskeletal pain associated with pregnancy was an integral part of the changes that women face. We now know that these discomforts can be prevented and mitigated.
Most pregnant women have concerns about their pregnancy weight gain. Am I gaining too much? Am I gaining enough? Will I be able to lose it all?
Swelling during pregnancy is normal and should be expected! It may cause discomofort but it should not be worrisome.
Has your doctor put you on bed rest until the end of your pregnancy? Are you worried you won't be ready for baby's arrival? Are you thinking "how will I survive this?" Motherforlife.com will ease those worries!
Future moms wonder if they can eat sushi, drink their morning coffee or change their cat’s litter box. Here is a useful guide to help them.
Feeling a baby as he kicks, has hiccups or dances to your music is one of the great joys of pregnancy. What happens when your big bump moves?
Want to guess the sex of your baby? Here are ten old wives tales that will help you pass the time with humor while you wait for your ultrasound!
It is through an exclusive article that Dr. Nathalie Fiset shares some recommendations about the Streptococcus B virus.
The nuchal translucency (NT) test doesn’t pose any risk to the mother or the fetus as it is an ultrasound. It determines the risk of genetic abnormalities, including Down syndrome.
Ectopic pregnancy affects 2% of all pregnancies and is the leading cause of maternal mortality.
The holiday season is a festive period during which there are plenty of occasions to drink. It is best to take some precautions, especially if you are a future mom.
Here is a list of subtle and early signs of pregnancy. They are subtle in some women and early in others. Let’s see.
Newborns who have been exposed to tobacco during pregnancy generally weigh less, are smaller in height, and have smaller heads and brains. Something to seriously think about.
The entire household is sneezing and coughing? Here are a few simple tricks to beat the germs and escape viruses !