10 fun ways to predict the sex of your baby
Want to guess the sex of your baby? Here are ten old wives tales that will help you pass the time with humor while you wait for your ultrasound!
Find information on pregnancy progress, giving birth, baby names and more! Each section has sub-sections to facilitate your search. If you do not find what you are looking for, use the search engine!
Want to guess the sex of your baby? Here are ten old wives tales that will help you pass the time with humor while you wait for your ultrasound!
The female hormone oxytocin plays an important role from conception all the way to delivery. It can even influence the bond with your baby and your breastfeeding experience.
You’re giving birth soon and you don’t really know what to pack for baby at the hospital? Here are 10 things to remember to bring to ensure optimum comfort and safety for your newborn!
It was bound to happen, now that you need a name for your baby, you forgot all of your ideas! Well, here’s the Internet to the rescue!
You have glimpses of happiness every time your baby moves. Waiting nine full months before you see your child’s face seems like an eternity! Did you ever consider 3D ultrasound?
You may experience many discomforts during your pregnancy, such as nausea, breast sensitivity, fatigue, heartburn… Let's go through them all!
Did you just find out that you are pregnant with multiples and you are in shock? Don’t panic: here is everything you need to know about life with multiples!
When you become pregnant for the first time, you can hear things that will make you worry. Here are 10 misleading common thoughts.
Every year, millions of babies are born, with millions of names coming to life. As Sophia keeps the #1 spot for the 8th year, other baby girl names have climbed up the list. Here is the top 10 of 2017 in North America.
Giving birth in a hospital or giving birth at home? Natural or c-section? Today, women can put together a customized childbirth plan truly in sync with their personal needs.
A pregnant woman's body works really hard during the whole process of getting pregnant: needless to say, carrying a baby becomes very tiresome! For the next 9 months, moms-to-be can become very exhausted. Here are a few tips to avoid suffering from excessive fatigue during pregnancy.
Twice the happiness or twice the nausea? Twice the joy or twice the anxiety? Expecting twins is a very different adventure than expecting only one baby.