It is a fact of modern motherhood that so much of our daily life is infused with feelings of guilt. A word that has such negative connotation, guilt can be negative and manipulative, and even paralyzing if you allow it to dictate your daily decisions.
Bad breath, or halitosis, is a touchy subject, especially when you discuss it with someone who suffers from it. It affects nearly 65% of the population.
If you are suffering from winter blues and you cannot take medication because of the possible effects it can have on your foetus or your newborn, here’s a bright idea: phototherapy!
You notice an ungracious line, then another, then another. Stretch marks are there. Of course it isn’t the end of the world… but it slightly undermined your self-confidence.
Sexualitychanges during pregnancy, of course. And once the baby is born, you must also adjust. Sexologist Julie Pelletier evaluates the situation with us.