Understanding aggressive behaviour
Early childhood is a critical period for learning how to control aggressive behaviours. And it is possible to intervene at the right time to channel these behaviours
Early childhood is a critical period for learning how to control aggressive behaviours. And it is possible to intervene at the right time to channel these behaviours
Children affected with dyspraxia generally look very normal and seem to function normally. Nonetheless, they are often unable to be entirely autonomous. Let’s take a better look at dyspraxia.
There are over a thousand childcare services in Quebec, 80% of which are childcare centers (CPE) and home childcare services. If most of them offer traditional services, some stand out by their unique clientele.
Regardless of their age, music is an integral part of children’s lives. The more they are exposed to it, the better their overall development.
Soon after birth, the newborn experiments his sexuality! It is already present in utero and it keeps developing the whole life through, even though it is expressed differently according to your age.
These fundamental skills are developed from early childhood. They play a role in how well your child will succeed in school.
The seriousness and frequency of aggressive acts is what differentiates a child that acts “normally” from a child with a chronic behavioural problem. Should we be worried about it?
Who are they and what are the causes of this growing social phenomenon? What can we do as parents to avoid having a little emperor?
Puberty is the transition between being children and becoming teenagers. Emotions are in a rollercoaster, and a lot of physical and psychological changes shake up children between the ages of 9 and 12 years.
Out with the cars and dinosaurs, your son prefers princess costumes, dolls and fairies? Does your child’s behaviour worry you? This type of reaction is normal there is no need to panic.
Every child is unique. But sometimes, due to chance or genetics, some of them are downright exceptional.
This question will inevitably come up. Curious and intrigued, your child will want to know everything about how babies are made. Here's how to broach the subject with him.