Where are we with politeness?
With the family reunions fast approaching, should we force our children to hug an old uncle, talk with an annoying cousin or repeat polite phrases over and over? Here’s an opportunity to assess it all!
With the family reunions fast approaching, should we force our children to hug an old uncle, talk with an annoying cousin or repeat polite phrases over and over? Here’s an opportunity to assess it all!
Worried your baby is losing weight too soon after birth? Before you start worrying about him or her drinking too little or being sick, here are some facts about newborns’ weights.
These little sayings seem harmless but they can leave negative traces and give your child a false sense of guilt. Here is a quick autopsy of the parental language.
Although perfectly normal and very common, our children’s tantrums make us feel baffled and helpless. How can we react to a demonstration of anger of this magnitude?
Just like punishments, rewards are given to control children. The difference only lies in the fact that one is more positive than the other. We want the child to continue behaving well so we buy it in some way.
A loving attitude, clear rules and applying the consequences that were stated will encourage the development of positive behaviours in children.
Recently, the press published the results of a recent study that established a link between increased aggressiveness in children and the use of corporal punishment by parents.
Your child is the world’s most gorgeous kid of course, but have you started noticing their ears sticking out and are you wondering what options you may have?
As a parent, you are proud of your child’s accomplishments, as if their overall success reflects your aptitudes as a parent.
Have you been noticing your child trip over their words? They seem to be getting stuck... why? How can we help? The causes of stuttering remain obscure but even though there is no cure, it can be controlled.
It is with lots of impatience that we wait for the very first real smile from our baby… the smile that establishes a beautiful connection between us!
Parents are always eager to see their child walk for the first time but until then, their baby will develop other interesting strategies to move. Here are five of them!