Afraid of the dark
It’s normal and very common for young children to be afraid of the dark, and it usually starts between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.
It’s normal and very common for young children to be afraid of the dark, and it usually starts between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.
She gnaws at her nails while her play buddy cracks his fingers. Why are some children likely to develop nervous symptoms?
Small ailments are common among children and it is sometimes difficult for parents to separate the real physical pain from the little imaginary pain.
The many fears of children should not worry parents except if they become phobias. Where is the line between the two and how do we cross it?
What’s that sound? How can you calm your children when they’re scared of loud noises? Explore what is triggering their fear and find out how you can be a calming presence.
Are excessive noises starting to spook your little ones? Explore what’s triggering their fear and find out how you can be a calming presence.
How can you help your children deal effectively with stressful situations? Here is what I consider to be helpful tools.
As many as one in three children bite their nails, some as young as 2 or 3 years old, but it is usually around 8 years old that they develop this habit.
Some children have a huge fear of the dentist! In some cases, it’s the parents’ and grandparents’ bad experiences - in another era - that fuel these fears.
The moms on our Facebook page wanted to share with you the funniest and most common telltale signs that let you know your child is up to no good!
Abuse often difficult to notice because the abuser does not use his fists but uses seduction, threats and blackmail instead.
Early life environment can produce chemical changes in the genes that affect brain development, and these changes may help explain why abuse and neglect early in life results in a high risk for suicidal behaviour years later.
Research now shows that mental health issues often have their roots in early childhood. Let’s take a look.