My child is often absentminded!
Do you find yourself often repeating phrases like "Hello? Is anyone there?" ? If so, it seems that your child is often absentminded. Here's how to help your distracted children stay concentrated.
Do you find yourself often repeating phrases like "Hello? Is anyone there?" ? If so, it seems that your child is often absentminded. Here's how to help your distracted children stay concentrated.
Your child suddenly starts to refuse whatever you’re offering him overnight and you’re wondering what might have brought on this new behavior?
Nobody ever calls your child; they never ask to invite anyone over and they seem to be playing alone at school. Is there something deeper going on?
If only our children knew how much we love them. To leave no doubt, here are 10 ways to tell them…
She argues, he dramatizes, they are never satisfied, they are always late… How should parents deal with these small and big flaws that drive them mad?
Is it really possible to love one child more than the other? This fear goes through many parents’ minds. Yet it is true that we do not love all our children the same way, without necessarily preferring one to another.
Most children will experience at least one « love story » before reaching puberty. What about your child? Have they already had a first love?
Good manners have changed a lot over the years but some attentions never go out of style. To raise a polite and well-liked child, here are ten must-have manners.
Your child doesn’t listen to you? Do they disobey you? Do they get hostile or aggressive when you ask them to do something? Why and how should you react? Here is some advice.
How could it be that a child so little can make you so nervous when you must ask him to do something? Are you managing his frustrations correctly?
Her teacher tells you: “It’s a pleasure to take care of a child who listens so well” and you refrain from answering “Whose child? Mine?”
In the first years of life, young children learn a lot from relationships with other children of the same age (i.e. their peers).
Your eldest is starting daycare or school, your children will be separated for the first time and you are wondering you can prepare them so they go through this new stage smoothly?
When a new baby arrives in the household, the eldest child often tends to want to assert his place in the family. This is the perfect time to teach him about responsibilities!
The seriousness and frequency of aggressive acts is what differentiates a child that acts “normally” from a child with a chronic behavioural problem. Should we be worried about it?
For some, sowing the seeds of friendship is easy and happens naturally, but for others, it requires a bit of effort. Here are a few tips to help you support your children.