5 tips for sleepy children
My children sleep like a log. Maybe I’m lucky, maybe not… You'll never know until you try these simple tips.
My children sleep like a log. Maybe I’m lucky, maybe not… You'll never know until you try these simple tips.
Behavioural strategies have been proven to be the most effective way to help infants and children who are resistant at bedtime or wake during the night.
During the summertime, we tend to be more permissive about our children's sleeping schedule. But once the school year begins, we must set bedtimes for our children. Adequate sleep is the best way to keep children concentrated, in shape and in a good mood; ready to face a full day of school!
Have you already found your child standing up, asleep, while they should have been in bed? Are they sleepwalking? Why? Is it dangerous?
When they’re babies, co-sleeping facilitates breastfeeding and relationship building. But what happens when your 2, 4 or even 8-year-old child still sleeps with you? A psychologist explains below.
Some children are all-star champions in finding excuses to avoid sleep time. Here are a few tips to make bedtime easier.
Have conflicting pieces of advice about your child’s sleeping habits left you confused about what to believe? Here are a few common myths regarding sleep that are just plain false.
At 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014, we’ll return to Standard Time, which means one more hour of sleep and a possible disruption of our sleeping patterns.
Does your child sounds like a little buzzing engine when he sleeps? We can laugh about it a little but his snoring could also be the first symptom of sleep apnea.