Prevent dehydration in children
During the summer, children spend a lot if time outside. So before sending them out, here are some simple tips to prevent dehydration.
During the summer, children spend a lot if time outside. So before sending them out, here are some simple tips to prevent dehydration.
Did you know that most children who have vision problems don’t even realize it?
The COVID-19 crisis has caused many changes in all of our lives. The most important one being how often we now wash our hands. We have never washed our hands and told our children to do the same so frequently! Why not be creative in order to make this gesture more fun.
A study by the Montreal-Center Public Health Department and Université de Montréal shows that 42% of children who enter kindergarten have cavities on their temporary baby teeth.
The use of fluoride prevents tooth decay but fluoride is also a complex element that should be used sparingly.
We know that taking care of their teeth really isn’t their priority! We found some fun accessories to get them to enjoy keeping their teeth healthy and clean!
Only 2 out of 10 car seats are installed correctly in Quebec. Here’s a reminder on some important rules to keep children safe on the road.