Toy makers must make sure that they produce safe toys that meet the safety standards set by Health Canada. Sometimes unsafe toys do make their way onto store shelves and into homes. Here's how to pick the right toy!
When it comes to learning, children are little sponges! They absorb absolutely everything we teach them, so it's the ideal time to initiate them to reading and writing.
You avoid going away for the weekend under the pretense that fancy hotels don't really cater to children's need? There's no more excuses! Some very nice places are family friendly!
We asked readers to help us create a list of fun family outings and activities. Whether you want to feel like you’re on vacation, break the daily routine or just enjoy life, this list is full of great ideas!
It is true to say that a child will not be able to read at birth. However, discovering books and developing an interest for reading can occur early on in a child's life.
We rediscover Christmas through the eyes of children : meeting Santa Claus, writing him a letter, seeing all the colorful parades, the movies we love to watch in anticipation of the big night…