Getting ready to visit Santa
Is your child meeting Santa for the first time? Meeting this larger-than-life character can sometimes be intimidating for your little one. They could love him, just like they can burst out in tears!
Is your child meeting Santa for the first time? Meeting this larger-than-life character can sometimes be intimidating for your little one. They could love him, just like they can burst out in tears!
Should we let our kids believe in Santa Claus and the whole holiday magic? Absolutely, and psychoeducator Solène Bourque tells us why.
Around the age of reason, your child could start having doubts about the existence of Santa Claus... but this doesn't mean the holiday season magic is over!
Should we tell fictitious stories to our kids? Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the baby-delivering Stork, the Tooth Fairy?
Santa Claus and his 9,000 little elves are getting ready again this year to reply to the millions of letters received from children across the country.
A big advantage of the Internet is that many technological modules have been developed for all impatient kids and adults! Here are the most interesting.
Children can’t take it anymore: there are way too many nights before December 25th! So, maybe you should take them to see that good old bearded fellow before the big day?