Choosing your child’s name
What will it be? I don’t want her to have the same name as everyone else. I want her to have an original and classy name. Anna! Anna Graham? No, maybe not…
What will it be? I don’t want her to have the same name as everyone else. I want her to have an original and classy name. Anna! Anna Graham? No, maybe not…
While most Quebec families still opt for disposable diapers for their convenience, more and more of them are thinking about switching to washable diapers. Maybe during this pandemic, you've run out of disposable diapers and have no other choice but to switch to washable diapers.
I haven’t been a father for long. For some, I’m not even a father. Maybe that’s because I didn’t become one in a scream. In fact, I was adopted four years ago.
By deciding to have a child, you are choosing to experience one of life’s most meaningful moment.
Because our “What are future fathers thinking about?” article was so appreciated by all, here is a sequel! We want to know what prospective fathers have on their mind!
All future fathers react differently to pregnancy. While expecting mothers have a baby growing inside their body, prospective fathers have them in their head!