Divvying up household chores
Cleaning, washing, scrubbing, changing diapers, washing dishes, cooking… so many things to do, so little time. How can we split tasks evenly?
Cleaning, washing, scrubbing, changing diapers, washing dishes, cooking… so many things to do, so little time. How can we split tasks evenly?
Instead of raging about men’s differences and nagging them about their ways of being and doing - often opposed to ours - why not find inspiration in their qualities?
When you hear the word “fight”, what do you think of? Usually, nothing too happy comes to mind. What if I told you that fighting can be useful?
Voilà! Love is back in your life for the first time after your separation with your children’s father. Now you must introduce HIM. Here is a little guide to help things run smoothly (as much as possible!)
Pumpkin, love, darling, dad, mom, gorgeous, sweetie, babe… What do you call your husband? Your partner? Your boyfriend? Do you use love nicknames?
Nearly 38 % of Quebec couples have chosen common law union. But are the common law spouses benefitting from the same rights as married couples? It’s important to protect yourself!
It is the same each year: he gets ready with the boys for that incredible event to which you are not invited. Do you let him run away now and again?