Head lice
Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS)
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp, where they lay their eggs. Head lice do not spread disease having head lice does not mean you are not clean.
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp, where they lay their eggs. Head lice do not spread disease having head lice does not mean you are not clean.
Bread is essential to our diet. It contains various essential nutrients that are necessary to the development of our little eaters. So let’s eat bread!
Did you know that between 50 and 80% of pregnant women suffer from nausea and vomitting during pregancy?
Should pregnant and breastfeeding women limit their sushi consumption, avoid it or eat as much as they want? Extenso demystifies the matter.
A lot of positive and negative changes occur in the life of a woman who finds out that she will soon give birth, many of which are physiological.
Early childhood is a critical period for learning how to control aggressive behaviours. And it is possible to intervene at the right time to channel these behaviours
Do you know the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer? Most women don’t.
No one should take their vision for granted, but women need to be especially careful when it comes to eye health. Blindness and other conditions which cause visual impairment take a much more serious toll on women than men.
Until fairly recently, a woman who gave birth by caesarean section was destined to have all of her future children by C-section.
Feelings of trust and security help your child to become independent and face the challenges of childhood and more difficult situations. The parent-child attachment is all about trust.
Crying is the main way of communicating for babies less than 3 months old. When your baby “communicates” a lot, are you trying to figure out what he’s trying to tell you?
Are you capable of letting go and making room for daddy? Or are you so perfectionist that you prefer doing everything on your own instead of having to double-check what your partner does?
Children affected with dyspraxia generally look very normal and seem to function normally. Nonetheless, they are often unable to be entirely autonomous. Let’s take a better look at dyspraxia.
Newborns who have been exposed to tobacco during pregnancy generally weigh less, are smaller in height, and have smaller heads and brains. Something to seriously think about.
Early life environment can produce chemical changes in the genes that affect brain development, and these changes may help explain why abuse and neglect early in life results in a high risk for suicidal behaviour years later.