The joys of planning
Claudie Arsenault
Are you constantly overwhelmed? Are your days and your weeks never long enough? The trick is to plan ahead.
Are you constantly overwhelmed? Are your days and your weeks never long enough? The trick is to plan ahead.
Being a new mom takes you on an adventure that is full of surprises and challenges. If you have chosen to breastfeed your baby, you’re probably looking forward to a positive experience, filled with special moments between you and your little one.
Children start developing the skills that will help them in school from the first years of life. Parents and childcare workers play a role in helping children get ready for school.
Vacation time is just about over and with September and back-to-school time, the routine is back in our daily family-work activities. Are you ready? Do you need tips?
Being pregnant can be both wonderful and stressful all year round but pregnant women should be more careful in the summer.
You were probably nervous in the minutes that preceded the result of your pregnancy test so you can imagine the stress that surrounds prenatal screening tests or amniocentesis!
Dear Baby,
It’s past midnight. I’ve been standing by your crib, taking slow breaths so as to not wake you up. Watching every tiny movement you make, trying hard to relax. I tell myself that we are both doing ok.
Unfortunately, we still read and hear about moms who had a really difficult time breastfeeding with their first baby. This could involve anything from not mastering breastfeeding in the first few days to ongoing breastfeeding problems or worries about low milk supply.
Behavioural strategies have been proven to be the most effective way to help infants and children who are resistant at bedtime or wake during the night.
Did you know that infants who are exposed to a variety of languages can tell the difference between their mother tongue and other languages?
As the weather gets warmer, you may be itching for some much-needed “me-time” out on the town. After months of being highly focused on caring for an infant, and spending hours in yoga pants and baggy (or no) tops, it’s time for a change.
While considered natural and widespread in many parts of the world, co-sleeping has received a bad reputation in the Western World. Here are some tips for you to rediscover this old tradition.
The breastfeeding journey is different for every mother. Many things affect how long a mother should breastfeed her baby. What's important is to do what you think is right for yourself and your child.
Breastfeeding is amazing! For starters, breastfeeding is the only way to give your baby the unique rich blend of nutrients and immune-boosting elements that provide life-enhancing benefits.
A whole month of 2023 has passed… Do you even remember your resolution? New Year’s resolutions rarely make it through the year.