Nanny Contracts – Formalise your ways of working together
Nanny contract: two words that do not seem like they should be put together. Your nanny is like a member of your family; he or she is the person you trust to look after your children.
Nanny contract: two words that do not seem like they should be put together. Your nanny is like a member of your family; he or she is the person you trust to look after your children.
Beyond the usual qualities you are looking for in a nanny, summer sitters must have specific skills to ensure that your child will securely enjoy summer activities.
It’s time to leave your child with a new babysitter - but what is a fair rate these days?
It is getting to be that time of year – fun and festive but also “go go go” as you try to get your projects at work done before year end, host family meals and festivities, go shopping and toast to the year behind and the year ahead at parties, parties, parties!
Selecting a nanny or a babysitter to whom you will entrust your children and your home is definitely an important decision that you should not take lightly.
Finding a good babysitter… We don’t want to leave our children in anybody’s care, especially when this person is a minor we don’t know.
Interviewing a nanny is the cornerstone of the recruiting process. It should be the next step after a phone interview and it should allow you to make your final decision about the candidate.
You have found a gem to look after your children and now you don't want to let her go. Here are some tips to keep your nanny.
Looking for a daycare center can be difficult and we often don't know where to start. Here are some websites that may help you in your search.
There are over a thousand childcare services in Quebec, 80% of which are childcare centers (CPE) and home childcare services. If most of them offer traditional services, some stand out by their unique clientele.
Finding a babysitter doesn’t have to be such a hardship. Several solutions are available to you: references, ads, online babysitter selection services or traditional placement agencies.