Helping your child adapt to school
Starting school, or even going back to school, every September, represents an important moment in your child’s life. Here are some ways in which your child can learn to adapt to school.
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Starting school, or even going back to school, every September, represents an important moment in your child’s life. Here are some ways in which your child can learn to adapt to school.
Does your child whines every morning before leaving for school? Do they make up crazy stories to avoid doing homework? What if your child is feeling stressed out about going to school?
During the summertime, we tend to be more permissive about our children's sleeping schedule. But once the school year begins, we must set bedtimes for our children. Adequate sleep is the best way to keep children concentrated, in shape and in a good mood; ready to face a full day of school!
Your child doesn’t listen to you? Do they disobey you? Do they get hostile or aggressive when you ask them to do something? Why and how should you react? Here is some advice.
Did you know that an adult repeats a request to his child three to five times on average? And you? How many times do you repeat? Too many, I suppose.
Between our wishes and reality, there is a whole world! The autistic child has uncommon challenges in school. Here is an explanation from Nathalie Fecteau.
Some kids have barely any appetite while others don’t seem to know when to stop. How do we manage our kids’ appetite and teach them how to feed their growing bodies properly?
As your child grows up, the way they see themselves and others transforms, naturally. While they understand that there is a difference between the two sexes, modesty overtakes them.
All parents have faced it at one time or another: a bad word spontaneously comes out of your little one’s mouth and you do not know how to react.
Does assertiveness come naturally to children or do we have to teach it to them? Nancy Doyon offers a few thoughts that will help your children better face adversity.
When does a mouth wound deserve your attention? What should you do? When should you react? Here are a few useful tips.
For many reasons, the language of a child is not always easy to understand. We often feel helpless about this. What should we do then?
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!
In a few weeks, children will begin a new school year. Whether it be their first day or they are returning for another year, here are some articles to help you prepare.