20 snack ideas
To survive the famous and eternal “I’m hungry!” shouted by children after school or daycare, here are 20 ideas for easy, delicious and quickly prepared snacks.
To survive the famous and eternal “I’m hungry!” shouted by children after school or daycare, here are 20 ideas for easy, delicious and quickly prepared snacks.
When a child starts losing his milk teeth, he discovers one of the mythical childhood characters : the tooth fairy!
The name "5th disease" derives from its historical classification as the fifth of the classical childhood skin rashes, after measles, scarlet fever, rubella and Duke's disease.
This question will inevitably come up. Curious and intrigued, your child will want to know everything about how babies are made. Here's how to broach the subject with him.
Did you know that you should never rub a frostbite, nor put it in snow or water (cold or hot)? When it's as cold as it’s been recently, we all need advice!
Giving one, or not giving one? A difficult decision that involves a lot more than the simple dollars you will pay. Managing a little wallet comes with many other lessons.
For some, sowing the seeds of friendship is easy and happens naturally, but for others, it requires a bit of effort. Here are a few tips to help you support your children.
For your child’s primary school, did you think about an alternative school, a special vocation school or an international school? If so, we have some useful information for you.
Research now shows that mental health issues often have their roots in early childhood. Let’s take a look.
In Canada, the flu season normally extends from November to April, and can affect 10 to 25% of the population every year.
Scarlet fever is different from other early childhood diseases because it is not caused by a virus, but rather by a bacteria, the group A streptococcus.
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!
In a few weeks, children will begin a new school year. Whether it be their first day or they are returning for another year, here are some articles to help you prepare.