Everything you need to know about painkillers!
Pain medication and fever reducers are called analgesics or antipyretics. There are only two types of over-the-counter painkillers for children: acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
Pain medication and fever reducers are called analgesics or antipyretics. There are only two types of over-the-counter painkillers for children: acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
At 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 2nd, 2014, we’ll return to Standard Time, which means one more hour of sleep and a possible disruption of our sleeping patterns.
Is your child tired of peeing in bed? What if a colourful light could solve his problem for good?
The use of fluoride prevents tooth decay but fluoride is also a complex element that should be used sparingly.
Harmless but very bothersome, constipation can eventually irritate the intestinal lining and cause several health problems.
The name itself is scary. But the vaccine can keep bacterial meningitis at bay and viral meningitis often goes away without treatment.
Does your child sounds like a little buzzing engine when he sleeps? We can laugh about it a little but his snoring could also be the first symptom of sleep apnea.
Fever in itself is not a disease. It is a symptom resulting from a disease, most often from an infection such as the flu or another childhood disease.
Big scratches? Little accident? Fever? Suspicious spots? Sure, your child is not well but should you go to the emergency room? Motherforlife helps you decide whether or not you should go.
The name "5th disease" derives from its historical classification as the fifth of the classical childhood skin rashes, after measles, scarlet fever, rubella and Duke's disease.
This question will inevitably come up. Curious and intrigued, your child will want to know everything about how babies are made. Here's how to broach the subject with him.
Did you know that you should never rub a frostbite, nor put it in snow or water (cold or hot)? When it's as cold as it’s been recently, we all need advice!
Your children's Halloween party is going to be a blast! Colorful decorations, costumes, candy galore and fun family evenings are on the menu!
In a few weeks, children will begin a new school year. Whether it be their first day or they are returning for another year, here are some articles to help you prepare.