Which behaviours should I punish?
Being a parent means having a thousand questions about discipline, punishments and interventions. Yet if we respect the two following basic principals, we should do fine!
Being a parent means having a thousand questions about discipline, punishments and interventions. Yet if we respect the two following basic principals, we should do fine!
Some kids are reckless beyond reason. We try to hold them back, but they always find a way to climb everywhere and continuously put themselves in dangerous situations.
When should we start teaching good manners and etiquette to our children and when will they be able to apply them? Here are some answers for you!
How useful is that consistency with a capital “C” that everyone is talking about? Super useful, I swear. But what is consistency exactly?
Did you know that an adult repeats a request to his child three to five times on average? And you? How many times do you repeat? Too many, I suppose.
Wondering how you can supervise your children more effectively without increasingly threatening and punishing? Read these tips from Nancy Doyon.
These little sayings seem harmless but they can leave negative traces and give your child a false sense of guilt. Here is a quick autopsy of the parental language.
Just like punishments, rewards are given to control children. The difference only lies in the fact that one is more positive than the other. We want the child to continue behaving well so we buy it in some way.
A loving attitude, clear rules and applying the consequences that were stated will encourage the development of positive behaviours in children.
Recently, the press published the results of a recent study that established a link between increased aggressiveness in children and the use of corporal punishment by parents.