You may have already registered on in the past and forgot to de-activate your account.
In that case, go to the page Password Finder and enter your email address. You will receive an email with your password, allowing you to go back to your account and update the information.
Someone you know may have used your email address to register on our site.
If that is the case, please send an email to's administrators so they can investigate the situation as soon as possible.
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Fill up the form and select the subject line: Advertise on our site
First of all, please note that the newsletter is sent every Monday.
If you are in your 12th week, and are starting your 13th week on a Tuesday, you will be receiving the newsletter for the 12th week, because it was sent on the Monday when you were still in your 12th week.
At the top of all the pages of this feature, you can find a timeline with all pregnancy weeks. A green arrow indicates how far along you are on the timeline.
To view the information for a different week, simply click on that week on the timeline.
You will then be able to view information on your baby's development, the changes you are going through and the advice for that week.
If you recently deleted a group of friends, that friend may have been in that group.
Please note that if you delete a group of friends, all the friends in that group will automatically be deleted as well.
Perhaps that person deleted you from their friends list. In that case, you would not have received a notification but that person disappears from your list. As such, you will now only be able to access their public information.
Please note that if you decide to answer on your own wall, your friend will not receive a notification but will only see that message the next time he/she visits your profile.
Start by going to the page Forgot my password and enter your email address.
You should receive an email with your password.
If the person using your account is smart, they may have changed the email address associated with it.
If that is the case, when you go to the page "Forgot my password" and enter your email address, you will receive an error message telling you that the email address entered does not exist.
Please contact administrators using the "Contact us" page as soon as possible to explain the situation in detail and we will investigate your account activity. Please be aware that we may need to ask you a few questions to confirm your identity.