Isabelle Dagenais
Lecturer on mother’s well-being
Since the birth of her first daughter, Isabelle Dagenais has chosen to use her knowledge as a sex therapist and social worker and put it to use to help mothers. She has created Lecture/Workshops “Être maman” to help mothers with their emotional, social and sexual well-being. For more information on her lectures and workshops, visit her website.
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Nine months of hope, deception and introspection!
Before having a child, you go through many steps, the first usually being desiring one and wondering: am I ready to have a child? Let’s look at these steps more closely.
November 13, 2023
When mom is well, all is well!
When mom is well, all is well! That is a sentence approved by all mothers but even if we know it we are not often being taken care of!
June 5, 2023
Valuing the mother that I am
We've all experienced this gap between who we are and who we want to be. Is it possible to reconcile the two and still value every aspect? Of course!
August 15, 2022
Father involvement
Getting used to our role as a mother can become demanding but how is it for our husband? Do we understand and accept his way of adapting to his new role? Here is food for thought.
May 16, 2022
Maternity: fulfilling for some, a duty for others
How can we explain that some women are fulfilled by their motherhood while others only see it as part of their "duty as a woman"?
November 1, 2021
The big question:
Many moms who try to validate their experiences and feelings constantly ask themselves "Am I the only mom who feels like this?", "Am I the only mom who does this?".
October 17, 2021
Mothers seeking recognition
We all know that human beings need recognition to be fulfilled. Yet, many mothers lack recognition!
June 13, 2021
Being a mother changes our life… and sex life!
You knew that having a baby would be life changing. You understood and accepted the fact that your sex life would slow down, but it’s been quiet for months and years now...
January 26, 2016
Love is at the heart of maternity
Love is at the heart of our experience as mothers and it is present at many levels. These loves are lived differently for each one of us and they influence our experience.
February 3, 2023
The foundation of the mother-child relationship
What is the foundation of a mother and child relationship? If you bet on unconditional love, read on and find out that even this love can face troubled times.
May 19, 2015
Mother in control
The changes related to maternity are many, including the couples' dynamics. Is there trouble in the house?
November 1, 2014
Dads come from Mars, moms from Vénus
We already know it, there are many differences between men and women. And becoming parents does not make things easier!
April 6, 2014