Sandra Paré

Sandra Paré

Public relations and protocol specialist



President of a public relations firm for over 20 years, Sandra Paré is well known in our communications and public relations community. Whether it is for protocol, public, mundane or artistic events, press relations, artistic or cultural promotion or general communication, her specialized expertise is well established. 

She is also a lecturer. As such, she gives workshop-conferences in schools (elementary schools and high schools) and in public libraries on various topics such as good manners, decency, politeness and family, school and society dos and don’ts. She wrote two books on the subject. 

Savoir-vivre pour les filles c’est facile! Etiquette guide for girls

Savoir-vivre pour les garçons c’est facile! Etiquette guide for boys

Éditions La Semaine


ISBN: 9782923771434 (girls)

ISBN: 9782923771519 (boys)


Ask a question


Young but polite!

When should we start teaching good manners and etiquette to our children and when will they be able to apply them? Here are some answers for you!

August 7, 2023

The rules of prom

Prom is around the corner for those graduating high school. Are you stressed? Sandra Paré gives us a few tips so everything runs smoothly.

May 21, 2024

When your teen refuses to follow

Christmas parties are coming and you might be beginning to worry about your teenager who feels misplaced in family reunions. Should you insist or not?

February 27, 2023

Receiving a “bad” gift

Your child carefully wrote his wish list. He must understand that he will not receive everything that is on his list. Leave room for surprises and improvisation!

December 19, 2022