Have you become a mother hen?
Are you always concerned about the well-being of your baby? All moms want to protect their child from danger, but how do you know if you’ve crossed the line into overprotective?
Are you always concerned about the well-being of your baby? All moms want to protect their child from danger, but how do you know if you’ve crossed the line into overprotective?
Discipline is a hot topic for many parents! What’s the right way to go about it? Should they be more or less strict? Should they give their children more or less chances?
The growing number of young people suffering from burnout, performance anxiety and depression is causing concern. Hyper-education has been at the heart of hot topics for some years now.
If only our children knew how much we love them. To leave no doubt, here are 10 ways to tell them…
She argues, he dramatizes, they are never satisfied, they are always late… How should parents deal with these small and big flaws that drive them mad?
You have been dreaming of another child for a long time and your daughter would love to have a little brother but it is such an important decision! Should you have a second child?
If “no” is necessary for children and teenagers, it remains a word to be used in moderation because it can bring on a feeling of helplessness in children. What if you told them yes instead?
Being a proud parent is one of the best demonstrations of love but it is also the biggest challenge of your life. Here are a few tips for you.
In this short article, I suggest taking a moment to reflect and meditate on who you are as a parent and as a person… loved, lovable and loving.
Good manners have changed a lot over the years but some attentions never go out of style. To raise a polite and well-liked child, here are ten must-have manners.
Our aging parents and grandparents often say that our family values are on the decline. What do they mean? Let’s talk about family values, a heritage we should honor.
What drives parents to not have the second child too quickly? The desire to slow down and take their time? Their accumulated fatigue?
Did you know that an adult repeats a request to his child three to five times on average? And you? How many times do you repeat? Too many, I suppose.
Your children look up to you with such admiration in their innocent eyes. For them, you truly are a one-of-a-kind hero! Are you their role model? Are you a symbol of happiness and adventure? What is a hero for you? For them?
You’re pregnant again? Congratulations! Here are a few simple tricks to help you in your daily life.
We could all sing it together: becoming a parent really changes the world! How? In many ways… see for yourself!
How do you see your lover? Is he the man of your dreams or the future father of your children? Does the former include the latter? Definitively not for every woman!
Unknown father, absent father, anonymous father: what are the emotional and legal consequences when the father does not appear on the birth certificate?
Quiet moments like holidays and school breaks are special times to enjoy family life and have fun with the kids.
When they’re babies, co-sleeping facilitates breastfeeding and relationship building. But what happens when your 2, 4 or even 8-year-old child still sleeps with you? A psychologist explains below.
How can we explain that some women are fulfilled by their motherhood while others only see it as part of their "duty as a woman"?