Do toys have a gender?
Here’s a delicate question if there ever was one, because it’s not only a trivial choice of toy for your child; it carries at much deeper meaning of personal and social values.
Here’s a delicate question if there ever was one, because it’s not only a trivial choice of toy for your child; it carries at much deeper meaning of personal and social values.
As many as one in three children bite their nails, some as young as 2 or 3 years old, but it is usually around 8 years old that they develop this habit.
Some children have a huge fear of the dentist! In some cases, it’s the parents’ and grandparents’ bad experiences - in another era - that fuel these fears.
Sometimes, an event is awful enough to be on everyone’s mind and lips. How can we make sure that it does not upset our children?
Relationships between brothers and sisters are often made of complicity, happy memories and bonding. However, we have to admit that these relationships sometimes have their share of jealousy and rivalry.
In the first years of life, young children learn a lot from relationships with other children of the same age (i.e. their peers).
The moms on our Facebook page wanted to share with you the funniest and most common telltale signs that let you know your child is up to no good!
Abuse often difficult to notice because the abuser does not use his fists but uses seduction, threats and blackmail instead.
Early childhood is a critical period for learning how to control aggressive behaviours. And it is possible to intervene at the right time to channel these behaviours
Feelings of trust and security help your child to become independent and face the challenges of childhood and more difficult situations. The parent-child attachment is all about trust.
Early life environment can produce chemical changes in the genes that affect brain development, and these changes may help explain why abuse and neglect early in life results in a high risk for suicidal behaviour years later.
The seriousness and frequency of aggressive acts is what differentiates a child that acts “normally” from a child with a chronic behavioural problem. Should we be worried about it?
Who are they and what are the causes of this growing social phenomenon? What can we do as parents to avoid having a little emperor?
From the first months of his life, a child will build bonds that will be decisive in his development. A few explanations.
Out with the cars and dinosaurs, your son prefers princess costumes, dolls and fairies? Does your child’s behaviour worry you? This type of reaction is normal there is no need to panic.
For some, sowing the seeds of friendship is easy and happens naturally, but for others, it requires a bit of effort. Here are a few tips to help you support your children.
Research now shows that mental health issues often have their roots in early childhood. Let’s take a look.