Differentiating between your child's real or fake pain
Small ailments are common among children and it is sometimes difficult for parents to separate the real physical pain from the little imaginary pain.
Small ailments are common among children and it is sometimes difficult for parents to separate the real physical pain from the little imaginary pain.
She argues, he dramatizes, they are never satisfied, they are always late… How should parents deal with these small and big flaws that drive them mad?
If “no” is necessary for children and teenagers, it remains a word to be used in moderation because it can bring on a feeling of helplessness in children. What if you told them yes instead?
“My baby's leg was already on the other side! One minute later, he really would've hurt himself!” Do you think it's time to move from a crib to a bed?
The many fears of children should not worry parents except if they become phobias. Where is the line between the two and how do we cross it?
Although this period is called the « assertion stage », it’s by saying « NO » most of the time that children will experience it! A period that is not always easy to live!
Behavioural strategies have been proven to be the most effective way to help infants and children who are resistant at bedtime or wake during the night.
Did you know that infants who are exposed to a variety of languages can tell the difference between their mother tongue and other languages?
What’s that sound? How can you calm your children when they’re scared of loud noises? Explore what is triggering their fear and find out how you can be a calming presence.
While considered natural and widespread in many parts of the world, co-sleeping has received a bad reputation in the Western World. Here are some tips for you to rediscover this old tradition.
Do you feel stuck in an endless spiral of sadness and anger? Your child is cracking and your family is going down? Some situations require professional help.
Is it really possible to love one child more than the other? This fear goes through many parents’ minds. Yet it is true that we do not love all our children the same way, without necessarily preferring one to another.