The steps that come before walking
Parents are always eager to see their child walk for the first time but until then, their baby will develop other interesting strategies to move. Here are five of them!
Parents are always eager to see their child walk for the first time but until then, their baby will develop other interesting strategies to move. Here are five of them!
Do you know what encopresis is? This problem related to bowel movements affects many families, touching 1.5 % to 7 % of children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old.
You may experience many discomforts during your pregnancy, such as nausea, breast sensitivity, fatigue, heartburn… Let's go through them all!
What is the foundation of a mother and child relationship? If you bet on unconditional love, read on and find out that even this love can face troubled times.
Do you feel like you are losing a friend? Maybe they stopped calling and you feel them pulling away. The impact of an ending friendship tends to be trivialized by many, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.
Is your child stressed out and anxious before an exam or sports competition? Could they be experiencing too much performance stress?
Giving birth in a hospital or giving birth at home? Natural or c-section? Today, women can put together a customized childbirth plan truly in sync with their personal needs.
Let's face it: children today are constantly exposed to sexual messages. As your kids get older they are going to have questions about sex, sexuality and healthy relationships.
More and more parents are turning to cosmetic surgery to correct defects present from birth or acquired after an accident. We explore the subject of cosmetic surgeries for children!
The need to suckle is instinctive! Even in the mother’s belly, the baby will bring their hand or fingers to their mouth. Once born, the baby will look for that same familiar comfort, either in a pacifier or their trusty thumb!
Most babies have similar growth rates, but with the use of a growth chart, your pediatrician can track your child’s development more accurately.
Your child is no longer a baby, but isn’t quite a teenager either. How do you explain his or her sudden onset of logic and rationality?